Monday, October 25, 2010

Secretary Report
It all seems to have been very quiet over the winter. I have not received much in the way of correspondance but have however received one new membership .The the major focus of the Board has been to produce one National Schedule for both Islands.
After much consultation we have produced a version that we think will suit most members .We realise that we can't please everybody but please give it a go . Our aim is to eventually cut down on costs and bring the two Islands together. We are still in the process of finalising the Tropies but this list will be sent out as an addendum to the December Newsletter
The Board will also not be holding another meeting before the end of the year. After careful consideration we decided that there was not enough business that would warrant the expense of getting the Board to a suitable venue and that any business arising could be delt with via email.
I am putting this new revised Schedule up on the websiste and you will all be senbt a copy.
Kind regards